Saturday, January 29, 2011

Bre's baby shower

Amber and I threw Bre a baby shower. Yes, that is the relief society room. I know, lame, but it came out nice. It was a frog theme, if you can not tell.

My favorite part of the shower was the cake that Amber and I made! I painted the cattails that we bought from the Dollar Store (they were pink). And the log and lily pads we molded from cake. Our original log looked like... well, not the kinda log you would want to eat. It was so late at night when we were working on it that were laughing like crazy about it.

Bre got a lot of nice gifts! Tons of adorable clothes for their new baby boy who is due May 5th.

It was nice to see so much family because, although we all live in the area, we often go years without all getting together.

Picture of the relatives at the shower - All on my dad's side

Sunday, January 23, 2011

I love Sasha

No, no, I am not talking about loving myself. I am talking about my ADORABLE, incredible smart, funny, sweet cousin. When we are together Beth decided it is easier not to confuse us by calling her Sashimi and me Salchicha. I wish I lived closer to Beth, Ken, and Sasha.

I only spent a day and a half with them, but loved every second of it. Beth and I even went cross-country skiing for an hour in 6 degree weather. Woohoo!!